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daily 03/25/2014

    • Only tasks in the given list you’re viewing will show in Calendar (provided they have due dates). Therefore, subtasks will not show unless they also have due dates and are also affiliated with the project you’re viewing. Subtasks do not inherit the projects, tags, nor the assignee of their parent tasks.
    • Any game published commercially must also pay 5 percent of gross profit to Epic (which could get lucrative very quickly for Epic).
    • It’s also unclear how elevators inside the building will work, since the current weight of elevator cable makes it impossible to support above roughly 2,000 feet.
    • Facebook is ending the free ride, wrote Valleywag’s Sam Biddle in a post that has been greeted with widespread alarm. No, it’s not forcing ordinary users to pay for its service or to share pictures of their babies. Rather, the claim is that it’s deliberately bringing an end to the era of free advertising for businesses via their Facebook pages.
    • Citing an anonymous source, Biddle reports that Facebook is in the process of slashing brands’ “organic page reach” to just 1 or 2 percent.
    • Here’s another one: People don’t really like seeing a bunch of ads in their news feed. They like seeing updates from friends and family, funny YouTube videos, and maybe some news stories about topics they’re interested in.
    • “Facebook is being more blunt about the fact that marketers are going to have to pay for reach,” AdAge reported in December. And a study released earlier this month by Ogilvy PR found that organic reach for the site’s largest brands has already dropped to about 2 percent.
    • Today’s post is about a new problem I’m starting to notice, which only exists because our tools have become so much cooler and handed us so much power: constant mismatching of hit- and session-level metrics and dimensions.
    • Required for all hit types.       


      The type of hit. Must be one of ‘pageview’, ‘appview’, ‘event’, ‘transaction’, ‘item’, ‘social’, ‘exception’, ‘timing’.

    • Each of these three levels of interaction defines a specific scope of user engagement.
    • Monday’s campaign against Basecamp is part of a rash of similar attacks. Three weeks ago, social networking site Meetup also suffered a denial-of-service attack after refusing to pay a $300 ransom that was demanded in an e-mail sent to CEO Scott Heiferman. Last week, social media management system Hootsuite was hit by a data flood that briefly made Web traffic to its dashboard and mobile APIs unavailable for most users.
    • The MO is to start lower and keep ratcheting up. “This week our price is $3000, hope you can afford it”.
    • 20Gb/s and even 200Gb/s are levels of DDoS that can be managed by the existing providers in the space. Sharing data about hosts that attacked you is also helpful as it is actually possible to get remediation to happen.
    • The results aren’t a surprise—this country was built on unpaid labor. But America, as you might expect, is not so monolithic as that. You can play around with respondents’ demographics here. People who are younger, more liberal, and less religious, were more likely to support salaries for college athletes than were their older, more conservative, more religious counterparts.
    • s it because an Arab country is hosting the World Cup you thought this was a clever and shocking headline? For the sake of coming across as a decent open-minded person, I certainly hope not. However, I can’t really think of any other reason to bring such a damaging image into people’s minds. Perhaps you can enlighten me..
    • Tommy, have you looked into the facts of this issue? Have you even asked your reporter to get some context or find out the cause of deaths in Qatar? Has it never crossed your mind it may be because of something other than construction incidents? If you have then I’m amazed a paragraph like this was allowed to appear on your website.
    • There are 500,000 Indians living in Qatar. Since 2011 around 450-500 Indians have died due to any number of reasons. Without diminishing the value of human life, I would urge you to at least consider those numbers for some sort of context to the mortality rate of that particular demographic.
    • In the middle of the hot night, the fan stops, and a man in the barrack-room, roused to desperation by heat and sleeplessness rushes forth, careless of the consequences, and kicks the fan-puller in the wrong spot, his spleen. Do you blame him? Yes and No. It depends partly on whether he stopped to put his boots on. ———Capt. Stanley de Vere Julius, Notes on Striking Natives (1903)
    • The company intends to spend the money it raises in the public offering on working capital, capital expenditures, and corporate expenses.
    • We have a history of cumulative losses, and we do not expect to be profitable for the foreseeable future.”
    • Box lists Dropbox, Google, EMC, Microsoft, and Citrix Systems among its staunchest competitors in the fragmented world of cloud storage firms.
    • The IPO will be a dual-class offering. In other words, the shares Box will be offering will have only one shareholder vote per share. The Class B shares—owned by company insiders before the Box goes public—will have 10 votes per share. Since the Facebook IPO, the dual-class offerings have been a popular way for Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to raise money without giving up control, but Twitter notably eschewed that approach.
    • At 6’6 and 230 pounds, Gentry has prototypical size for a pocket passer and ranks as a consensus four-star prospect, though he is ranked at 90 by 247Sports and sits at .9004 in the 247Sports Composite rankings, making him a low four-star recruit. The top player in the state of New Mexico, Gentry is the No. 9 pro-style passer and the No. 269 player nationally in the Composite.
    • Whatever his actual testing speed, Gentry is certainly not a pocket-pound passer despite his designation and has some make-you-miss ability in the open field.
    • Perhaps this scene reinforces the League’s reputation as a comical fringe element, a gaggle of old racist Lost Cause types who dream of the Confederate battle flag again gracing their statehouses, who lament the Union’s retardation of their familial livelihoods. And their manhoods. “There were more men in America in 1776 than there are today,” Hill recently wrote on Facebook. “[I]t can be changed, you know. Just ‘man up,’ as they say!”
    • Beyond its race-tinged Dixie jingoism, much of the League’s public rhetoric is in line with a wider American attitude. It emphasizes truly small government—the dictatorship of the individual, the republic of the family, the overthrow of the cultural and bureaucratic forces that the League believes threaten our insular networks and affinity groups.
    • Get government out of the way. Abolish artificial ties with strangers. Focus on the immediate, the personal, the deeply felt—”faith, family, and folk,” as the League puts it.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Categories: Uncategorized
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