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daily 09/06/2014

    • One of the biggest differences between experienced and novice programmers is that experienced programmers know more things to try. Watching people who are just starting to code made me realize how extremely defeating this phenomenon can be.
    • Impostor Syndrome instilled in me a deep fear of failing.
    • I quietly avoided doing things I didn’t think I’d be good at, even though the only way to get better is to do them.
    • Two years ago I returned to coding fulltime. Guess what, I’m much better at coding than marketing. I picked up iOS, Ruby on Rails, and brought myself up to speed on the newest frontend frameworks. Learning and shipping lots of code, along with supportive friends and coworkers, gave me confidence to believe that I might actually be good at this coding thing.
  • Technically the most elegant athlete of our lifetime is Mario. You never saw Jordan jump on top of a cannonball.

    • I think what I learned, more than anything, doing this movie, was that the best person available is only a phone call away. That’s what I learned. You can always get really good people. You’ve just got to be willing to call them and talk to them. And I learned a lot—I did a play like six years ago [2011’s The Motherfucker With the Hat], and the play taught me a lot about acting, so the weird thing about this movie is I wasn’t so married to the script as I was in the past. You know, the script was a suggestion that I gave to the actors and really let the actors create characters
    • “So I finally call his lawyer, it must have been at least six weeks later after all these messages. (The lawyer suggests Melfi write Murray a snail mail letter.) A ‘Dear Bill’ letter. To a post office box back in New York. Two weeks later, (Murray) calls his attorney and goes, ‘OK the letter was swell. I’d like to read the script. Have him snail mail a script.’ To another post office box on Martha’s Vineyard. Bill is a nomad. He’s never in one place for long.
    • “And so we snail-mailed a script. Bill calls two weeks later, he picks up the phone and calls my producer’s assistant (who is flabbergasted) and says, ‘I never got that script.’ So we Fed Ex the script to a place in North Carolina. Two or three weeks after that, driving down the road I’m in the middle of a commercial job and my phone rings and he goes, ‘Ted? It’s Bill Murray. Is this a good time?
    • I pull over and he goes, ‘Listen, I got this script of yours and I don’t know who you are. I don’t Google people. I don’t know who you are, what you do. Tell me about yourself.’
    • The Nautilus circuit consisted of 12 different exercises, each performed one after another in a specific order, one set to failure. It destroyed you.
    • For someone who has not been training, anything works for about 6 weeks, because for novices who are unadapted to any physical work, anything will drive an adaptation and make you stronger. For about 6 weeks.
    • which we investigate the human body’s response to physical stress.
    • Working an isolated muscle group to failure certainly has the capacity to produce physical discomfort, but since its ability to produce force is limited by the mass of the working muscle, so is its capacity to increase strength.
    • Deadlifts, squats, and presses therefore have the capacity to stress more muscle mass and produce a greater strength adaptation than isolation exercises.
    • The common feature shared by all exercise machines is the absence of the ability to fall down while you use them.
    • The term “field strength” has been applied to the great athlete’s ability to exert high amounts of force even when the body is in a position of unbalance itself.
    • Increasing your overall strength improves the ability to perform tasks while unbalanced.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Categories: Uncategorized
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